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Administrator Access Control - Global & Tenancy


After reading this article you will be able to view and edit access for individual administrators in each tenancy, as well as how to manage access globally. This will aid in ensuring customers and administrators only have access to what you specify.

Viewing and Editing Administrators in Tenancies

To view and edit administrator access rights, select a tenancy.

  1. Head to the administrator's tab.
  2. Highlight the admin account, and the option to edit will appear at the top.
  3. This will give you a range of access rights, ticking them will enable them once saved.

Please see this article for a break down of the different selectable access rights Access Rights Breakdown

Note: Customers with access to 'account administrators and details' will be able to edit their access rights, see this article for editing administrator accounts Create & Edit Administrators

Accessing Global Customer Portal Settings

From within your Channel/WLP partner portal, navigate to the settings tab and Customer Portal section. Making changes here will impact all of your customer's portals.

The global settings allow more specific reduction of functionality in regards to the Order Services page, which is particularly helpful for those partners that handle number porting, internet, voice artist etc.

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