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2.1.9 Update

Wholesale voice

  • New outbound SMS provider type: Simwood.
  • ‘Outbound SMS’ tab > ‘Rates’ section > select a rate — new settings:
    • Supplier
    • Buying rate
  • ‘Settings’ tab > ‘Global configuration’ section > Call processing parameters > Prohibited PAI prefixes
    • Now, outgoing calls where a caller ID starts with such prefixes will be blocked and recorded with INVALID CLI term in CDR.
  • Financial hardship in the customer portal (‘Billing’ tab > ‘Bills and payments’ section):
    • ‘Resellers’ tab > select a reseller > Settings > Customer portal KB > Financial hardship
    • ‘Settings’ tab > ‘Reseller defaults’ section > Channel/Whitelabel defaults > Customer portal KB > Financial hardship
  • ‘Inbound DIDs’ tab > ‘Inbound DIDs’ section — filters update:
    • Reserved
    • Quarantined

Channel partner

  • Stability improvements, small and internal changes.

Whitelabel partner

  • Stability improvements, small and internal changes.
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